Rail, sleeper and ballast are the main components of the track, and their status will affect the quality of trains running. 钢轨、轨下垫层、道床的状态对客车的运行具有很大的影响,也是最主要的三个因素。
Impedance transformer is one kind of main equipment of track circuit in electrification district. 扼流变压器是电化区段构成轨道电路的主要设备之一。
The stadium will host the main track and field competitions for the2008 Summer Olympics, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. 除了开幕式和闭幕式,2008年夏季奥运会的主要田径比赛也将在这里举行。
Theory analysis and test research of Chinese main track irregularities PSD 我国干线轨道谱理论分析及试验研究
At the same time, the difference and relation of Chinese main track irregularities PSD and overseas typical track irregularities PSD are discussed. 同时利用线路试验和滚动振动台试验探讨我国干线轨道谱与国外典型轨道谱的区别与联系。
So the main track that broadband network takes is to inosculate the most advanced ATM switching technology with the most popular IP technology, which can protect existing investments as well as meet the requirements of the new services. 因此,宽带网络发展的主线是把最先进的ATM交换技术和最普及的IP技术融合起来,在满足新的业务需求的同时保护现有的投资。
Aims at the great theoretic difference on division of technical phases in running cycle exists in main track and field textbooks. 我国主要田径教材中关于跑步周期阶段的划分存在着重大理论分歧,并滞后于技术分析的实际需要。
In practice, human capital based channel is the main track. 从实践来看,以人力资本为介质的流转渠道是其主要方式。
In allusion to the problem of code missing of cab signal in the field caused by switch insulation with the main track-"direct cut", the paper sets forth the reasons of the problem and gives the solution with reference to the project design cases. 本文针对现场实际中存在正线道岔绝缘直切引起机车信号漏码这一问题,结合工程设计实例,阐述了产生问题的原因,并提出了解决方法。
Testing the main parameters of track circuit at interval by this method and estimating the safety of track circuit when error is permitted have strong practical meaning. 根据此方法定期检测轨道电路的主要参数,在误差允许范围之内判断轨道电路的安全性具有很强的实际意义。
If there are high hills oa the main track of typhoons, the influenced area on the ice-side will be about 10-2.0 times of the relative altitude difference. 在迎台风来向的主要路径上,如有高山阻挡则背风一侧的明显影响范围约为相对高差的10~20倍。
The main purpose to track the information of ship is to locate the ship so the thesis discuss the method to locate the ship on e-chart. 本系统跟踪船舶动态信息主要是为了船舶的定位,论文在此基础上讨论了在电子海图上进行船舶定位的方法。
In the aspect of eliminated technique, this paper emphases to investigate the series active power filter and shunt series active power filter, dispart the series active power filter control into two-layer structure, the inner layer face the main loop to track the reference current or voltage. 在谐波抑制方面,本文对当前研究的热点&串联和并联有源滤波器进行了理论分析,将电力有源滤波器控制分为两层结构,内层直接面向电力电子主回路,实现指令电流或是电压的跟踪。
In this paper, a model of the network with fixed costs is established for the problem of marshalling single group freight trains at technical stations on the main track without constraints. 本文对直线方向技术站无约束的单组列车编组问题建立了具有固定耗费的网络模型,并提出了精确算法和近似算法。
Solution for Code Missing of Cab Signal as Main Track Switch Insulation is "Direct Cut" Set 正线道岔绝缘直切时机车信号漏码问题的解决方法
The main track of the marriage customs 'evolution can be generalized as the gradual absence of subject that is from exaggeration to balance, then to complete absence. 从张扬到平衡,再到完全缺席,主体性的渐次缺位概括了湘西婚俗流变的主要轨迹。
Considering the train operation and succor program under coach succor in Guangzhou Metro, the author analyses the factors in the process, such as the permissible time of stoppage on the main track, the time and the frequency of succor, etc. 结合广州地铁客车救援情况下的行车组织、救援程序及时间,对影响停车线之间距离的容许中断正线行车的时间、客车救援时间、救援故障发生的频率等因素进行了分析。
Accordingly, the exploration of new Chinese drama performing style that can both reflect the contemporary Chinese life and meet the opera aesthetic requirements of the contemporary Chinese people becomes the main track in the development of Chinese modern drama performing, which is the first part this thesis. 因此,努力探索能够表现中国现代生活和满足现代中国人戏剧审美需求的话剧表演方式,便成为中国现代话剧表演艺术发展过程中的主要线索。这是本论文着力梳理与概括的第一方面内容。
A failure diagnosis of hydraulic main pump for track crane QUY 80B QUY80B履带式起重机液压主泵的一起故障诊断
Besides the economic loss, the wear is one of the main causes of track irregularities, and this is bad for the ride comfort of vehicles. 除此之外,轮轨磨耗是造成轨道不平顺的主要原因之一,影响列车的乘坐舒适性。
After analyzing the MIDI file format, proposed the method of determining the main track, and extracted melodic contour from the MIDI music file. 2. 分析了MIDI文件的结构,然后提出了确定主音轨的方法,并从中提取出音乐文件的旋律轮廓。
Considered purchasing consortia as research objective, this dissertation regards the forming and maintenance of purchasing consortia as the main track, and centers on its related problems. 本文以采购联盟为研究对象,以采购联盟的形成与维持为研究主线,对采购联盟的若干问题展开了研究。
It mainly includes: extracting basic musical characteristics from MIDI music, main melody track orientation automatically, phrase intelligent partition and music emotion recognition. 主要包括MIDI音乐基本特征数据的提取、主旋律音轨的自动定位、乐句的智能划分和音乐情感的识别。
Ballastless track is the development trend for track structure of high-speed railway. In China, passenger dedicated lines with the main track structure type of ballastless track laid by section, are being constructed on great efforts. 无碴轨道是高速铁路轨道结构的发展方向,我国正在大力兴建以成区段铺设无碴轨道为主的客运专线。
And is the main track and field course as the sports department, a drop in the quality of its teaching to the cultivation of sports talents will produce a great influence. 而田径课程作为高校体育院系的主干课程,其教学质量的下降对体育专业人才的培养将会产生较大影响。
But I believe that many of these issues have deviated from the main track of literary performance the human soul. 但是笔者认为,其中很多问题已经偏离文学表现人类心灵之主轨。
Facing the diversified development trend of the social structure increasingly, how to promote social harmony will continue to be the main track in our political and social development. 面对社会结构日益多元化的发展趋势,如何促进社会和谐,实现政府与社会的良好互动将继续成为贯穿我国政治社会发展的一条主线。
Since the goal of establishment of an innovative country were clear, our government put forward the strategy of developing scientific and technological, hoping to achieve from the main track to mimic the "innovation" and to achieve leapfrog development in technology-based changes. 我国政府在明确提出建立创新型国家以来,提出科技发展战略,希望实现从以跟踪模仿为主向以自主创新和实现科技跨越式发展为主的转变。
Beijing University athletic meets the status quo as follows: 1, Beijing University athletic meets to carry out forms of a single, followed the traditional sports model, mainly the main track and field events, supplemented by other projects. 北京市高校校运会的现状为:1、北京市高校校运会开展形式单一,沿袭传统的运动会模式,主要是以田径项目为主,其他项目为辅。
In the compensation current tracking control, the system adopts hysteresis control method of timing comparison, which can make the output current of main circuit track the directive current and limit the maximum switching frequency of the main circuit switching device. 对于补偿电流的跟踪控制,采用定时比较的滞环控制法,使得主电路的输出电流能够跟踪指令电流的变化,并且限制了主电路开关器件的最高开关频率。